
mrestimator.full_analysis(data=None, dt=None, kmax=None, dtunit=' time unit', fitfuncs=None, coefficientmethod=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, steps=None, substracttrialaverage=False, targetdir=None, title=None, numboot='auto', seed=1, loglevel=None, targetplot=None, showoverview=True, saveoverview=False, method=None)[source]

Wrapper function that performs the following four steps:

  • check data with input_handler()
  • calculate correlation coefficients via coefficients()
  • fit autocorrelation function with fit()
  • export/plot using the OutputHandler

Usually it should suffice to tweak the arguments and call this wrapper function (multiple times). Calling the underlying functions individually gives slightly more control, though. We recommend to set showoverview=False when calling in loops to avoid opening many figures (and wasting RAM).

  • data (str, list or numpy.ndarray) – Passed to input_handler(). Ideally, import and check data first. A string is assumed to be the path to file(s) that is then imported as pickle or plain text. Alternatively, you can provide a list or ndarray containing strings or already imported data. In the latter case, input_handler() attempts to convert it to the right format.
  • dt (float) – How many dtunits separate the measurements of the provided data. For example, if measurements are taken every 4ms: dt=4, dtunit=’ms’.
  • kmax (int) – Maximum time lag k (in time steps of size dt) to use for coefficients. Alternatively, tmax or steps can be specified
Other Parameters:
  • dtunit (str, optional) – Unit description/name of the time steps of the provided data.
  • fitfuncs (list, optional) – Which fitfunctions to use e.g. fitfuncs=['e', 'eo', 'c']. Renamed from fitfunctions in v0.1.4.
  • coefficientmethod (str, optional) – ts or sm, method used for determining the correlation coefficients. See the coefficients() function for details. Default is ts.
  • method (str, optional) – same as coefficientmethod, introduced in v0.1.6.
  • tmin (float) – Smallest time separation to use for coefficients, in units of dtunit. Only one argument is possible, either kmax or steps or tmin and tmax.
  • tmax (float) – Maximum time separation to use for coefficients. For example, to fit the autocorrelation between 8ms and 2s set: tmin=8, tmax=2000, dtunit=’ms’ (independent of dt).
  • steps (~numpy.array, optional) – Specify the fitrange in steps \(k\) for which to compute coefficients \(r_k\). Note that \(k\) provided here would need to be multiplied with units of [dt * dtunit] to convert back to (real) time. If an array of length two is provided, e.g. steps=(minstep, maxstep), all enclosed integer values will be used. Arrays larger than two are assumed to contain a manual choice of steps. Strides other than one are possible. Only one argument is possible, either steps or kmax or tmin and tmax.
  • substracttrialaverage (bool, optional) – Substract the average across all trials before calculating correlation coefficients. Default is False.
  • targetdir (str, optional) – String containing the path to the target directory where files are saved with the filename title. Per default, targetdir=None and no files are written to disk.
  • title (str, optional) – String for the filenames. Also sets the main title of the overview panel.
  • numboot (int or ‘auto’, optional) – Number of bootstrap samples to draw. This repeats every fit numboot times so that we can provide an uncertainty estimate of the resulting branching parameter and autocorrelation time. Per default, bootstrapping is only applied in coefficeints() as most of computing time is needed for the fitting. Thereby we have uncertainties on the \(r_k\) (which will be plotted) but each fit is only done once. Default is numboot=’auto’ where the number of samples depends on the fitfunction (100 for the exponential).
  • seed (int, None or ‘random’, optional) – If numboot is not zero, provide a seed for the random number generator. If seed=None, seeding will be skipped. Per default, the rng is (re)seeded every time full_analysis() is called so that every repeated call returns the same error estimates.
  • showoverview (bool, optional) – Whether to show the overview panel. Default is ‘True’. Set to ‘False’ when calling full_analysis() repeatedly or just saving the panels to disk with saveoverview (this temporarily overwrites your matplotlib rc parameters for more consistency). Otherwise, matplotlib may create large amounts of figures and leak memory. Note that even when set to ‘True’ the panel might not show if full_analysis() is called through a script instead of an (interactive) shell, this depends on your matplotlib configuration.
  • saveoverview (bool, optional) – Whether to save the overview panel in targetdir. Default is ‘False’.
  • loglevel (str, optional) – The loglevel to use for the logfile created as title.log in the targetdir. ‘ERROR’, ‘WARNING’, ‘INFO’ or ‘DEBUG’. Per default, no log is written unless loglevel and targetdir are provided.
  • targetplot (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – You can provide a matplotlib axes element (i.e. a subplot of an existing figure) to plot the correlations into. The axis will be passed to the OutputHandler and all plotting will happen within that axes. Per default, a new figure is created - that cannot be added as a subplot to any other figure later on. This is due to the way matplotlib handles subplots.

OutputHandler – that is associated with the correlation plot, fits and coefficients. Also saves meta data and plotted pdfs to targetdir.


# test data, subsampled branching process
bp = mre.simulate_branching(m=0.95, h=10, subp=0.1, numtrials=50)

    tmin=0, tmax=1500,
    fitfuncs=['exp', 'exp_offs', 'complex'],
    title='Branching Process')